4Check Your Call Forwarding: *#67#
This code allows you to check which number your phone is currently forwarding calls to when you're busy or reject a call.
By default, this is probably your carrier's voicemail service, but you can change it to forward to a different number (a home number, office number, or third-party answering service for example). On an iPhone, you can change this number by going to Settings > Phone > Call Forwarding. On Android (varies from system to system), tap the Phone app > hamburger icon > Settings > Call > More Settings > Call forwarding
5Get Even More Info on Call Forwarding: *#61#
On my Galaxy phone, this code prompted a pop-up that let me know how long until a call is forwarded to the message center. On the iPhone, regardless of carrier, this code just showed me the same info as *#67# .
6Check Your Available Minutes: *646#
Apparently this one only works on postpaid plans. I was not able to get it to work on my test iPhone (regardless of carrier; I tried three), but I did get it to work on my Galaxy phone (which happens to have an unlimited texting plan from AT&T). Instead of showing the info on a new screen, it sent my phone a text message.
7Check Your Bill Balance: *225#
Once again, I couldn't get this one to work on the iPhone, but on Android I did get it to prompt a SMS message with my current balance due.
8Hide Your Phone From Caller ID: #31#
I could only get this to work on Android. But entering this code prompted a pop-up stating that my Caller ID had been disabled. In order to re-instate Caller ID, enter *31# .
9Check Your Billing Cycle: *3282#
Once again, I could only get this to work on Android. It prompted an SMS message with my billing info.
10SMS Message Center: *5005*7672#
This code will tell you your SMS message center number. I have no idea why you'd need that info, but there ya go.
11Activate Call Waiting: *43#
This code will activate call waiting; you can deactivate it by entering #43#.
12Quick Test Menu (Samsung Galaxy Only) *#7353#
As far as I can tell, this code only works on Samsung Galaxy models (I tested it on my Galaxy S7 Edge). This is similar to the General Test mode mentioned earlier, in that it brings up a menu with a number of one-tap test prompts.
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